You couldn’t wait to be on your own
You were eager to show them all
You dream far and wide
You were ready to conquer the world.
You started with I can do it!
You were gung-ho at acing it.
You began with high energy
You were ready to conquer the world.
You sent in your applications,
You received accommodations;
You were psyched with the scholarships
You were ready to conquer the world.
You composed your music
You recorded the arrangements;
You were performing to your audience,
You were ready to conquer the world.
And then one day you just stopped,
You were bewildered and were shocked
You thought you were ready to conquer the world
You paused and uttered , “I am scared”.
Dad, you and I sat together
We talked, we listened, we cared.
Don’t worry we all agreed
We will solve this hand and hand.
You were eager to show them all
You dream far and wide
You were ready to conquer the world.
You started with I can do it!
You were gung-ho at acing it.
You began with high energy
You were ready to conquer the world.
You sent in your applications,
You received accommodations;
You were psyched with the scholarships
You were ready to conquer the world.
You composed your music
You recorded the arrangements;
You were performing to your audience,
You were ready to conquer the world.
And then one day you just stopped,
You were bewildered and were shocked
You thought you were ready to conquer the world
You paused and uttered , “I am scared”.
Dad, you and I sat together
We talked, we listened, we cared.
Don’t worry we all agreed
We will solve this hand and hand.
Photograph by Jen2 (2009)
Copyright 2009 © GottaLoveMom CJ Solutions, Inc Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited
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